Wednesday, March 4, 2009

unionization- inustrialist

As an industrialist, I believe that unionization's benefits are limited. It is good that the workers can now communicate their grievances effectively and that they now have a voice, but these unions are becoming too strong. The workers often go on strike, which makes production and growth difficult. They think they can get certain things that do not necessarily work with the system. The unions have grown to where they are no longer just a way for workers to stand up for their needs and rights, but now they wish for collective bargaining to get things they do not always need.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

French Revolution: commoner

As a member of the Third Estate, I am treated unfairly. My taxes are high, and the other commoners and I are not adequately represented in government. Ourestate is made up of the majority of France's population, but we only get the same representation as the clergy and nobility, who are significantly smaller groups. Together, they get two votes in the Estates-General, while we are only allowed one, despite our large population.

Enlightenment Monarch: Joseph II, Holy Roman Emperor

cultural: 6- Joseph was a patron of the arts. He was known as the "musical king", and was a significant supporter of the arts of his time.

educational: 9- Joseph greatly improved education. Under his rule, elementary education was made madatory for boys and girls. Also, he created scholarships for poorer students who wanted and education, and he allowed the establishment of schools for Jews and other religious minorities.

legal: 9-Joseph II drastically reformed the legal system in the Holy Roman Empire. He abolished brutal punishments and the death penalty in most cases, and he promoted equa treatment for all offenders. He ended censorship of the press and theatre, and in 1781, he extended full legal freedom to serfs. In addition, he made tax reforms to relieve some of the tax burden on the peasantry and increase state revenues.

political: 5- Joseph set about building a rational, centralized, and uniform government for his diverse lands. Although he wanted to make his subjects happy and prosperous, he was somewhat power-hungry. He stripped the Hungarian Assembly of its prerogatives, and it was not even called together.

military: 2- Joseph II tended to get involved in unnecessary wars and was overly belligerent. He desired to expand his territory, and therefore got involved in many unpopular wars.

Louis XIV clergy

As a member of the clergy, I recognize that Louis XIV is not a good king. He has tried to limit papal authoritiy which is God-given. He claims that his power is God-given, and he tries to have authority over the church and the members of the clergy, including myself. We should not have to answer to him any more than we should have to answer to the pope. They are both important authorities, but Louis should stick to government and not interfere with the church.

Brattonsville Candlelight Christmas